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How Content Marketing Can Get You More Customers

Institution Enterprises-Content Marketing | SEO

Want More Customers? Kick Up Your Content!

The Short Version:

Getting a new customer starts with engaging with potential customers. The best way to do that today? Improve your content marketing! That can include everything from web content, articles and blogs, social media posts, and videos. Find the platform that speaks to your target, and get to content-ing!

Kontent is King

Want people to engage with your brand? Then say stuff that matters. Specifically, what matters to your target market. The more you can understand about your target market (who are they? what do they like? what do they NOT like? who do they follow?) then the more you can tailor your content. Start with your audience, and work backwards from there.

For example, if your target market consists of 25-34 year old men who are into video games, one of your best platforms to create content on would be YouTube. You had better learn, real quick, how to create great, relevant videos! Is your audience on Twitter? Better figure out how to nail 140 characters!

What About Writing?

Yes! Writing is a huge part of your content! The trick with writing quality and effective content is that it takes equal parts creativity and strategy.

What is Creative Content Writing?

In simple terms, creative writing is the ability to tell an engaging story that your audience can relate or otherwise connect to. If your audience can connect with your content, then they are more likely to read more, click, share, and follow.

What is Strategic Writing?

Your content has to be more than just creative, it has to be effective. Combining some strategic and purposeful writing to your creative piece is what takes it to the next level. This should include:

This also carries over to your website content, including the “back-end”, or “behind the scenes” content that search engines look for. In this case, in addition to the above, your strategic site content needs to include:


 Get Started with Content TODAY

Want help putting together some basic content strategy? Need help creating article and blog content? Reach out. We have a team of some of the best industry writers who can customize and tailor content for your brand, and your audience. Our motto is “with you, not for you”, because we believe the best way to help you is by helping you learn how to do it yourself (like training wheels, we help make sure you do it right).

“We do it with you, not for you”

Institution Enterprises is a Sacramento marketing firm that provides a new standard in business consulting and education, helping your start-up or seasoned business design the practices and customs for success in today’s marketplace.

marketing | social media | SEO | analytics | content | education | Six Sigma


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