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Are You E-Blasting Too Frequently??

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Institution Enterprises-Best E-blast Frequency

How Often Should You Send Out E-Blasts?

The Short Version:

The number 1 reason people unsubscribe from your e-blast is because you send too many! Focus on QUALITY, not QUANTITY.

Having a nice fat email list is gold. Assuming your list is made up of people who purposefully and willingly signed up. Once you have that list, now what? Sending regular emails, or “e-blasts” is a great way to engage with potential clients, existing clients, and announce product specials, etc…We all know the “why”, but we need to understand the “how”. When it comes to e-blast frequency it is critical to get it right.

That Goldilocks had it right…juuust right

So Goldilocks and the 3 bears…you know the story? Too hot, too cold, just right, etc, etc,…Well even though Goldilocks was a thieving, selfish, vagabond, she did get something right: You gotta find a happy medium. The same applies to your email list when it comes to the frequency, and the content, with which you reach out to them. Too frequently and you will make them mad. Not frequent enough, and they will likely forget about you. So what is “just right” when it comes to e-blast frequency??

Find the most optimal frequency and blueprint, and find the point of diminishing returns. Now you know what space to operate in.

The magic formula is???

Much like Einstein and time, the magic formula is relative. That means that it all depends on how your audience engages with your emails. More “marketing” (more emails, more phone calls, more, more, more) is not always better. More usually just means “more expensive”, not necessarily “more effective”. When it comes to e-blasts, the most common feedback is that people want fewer emails, and more informative content. Like I said earlier, QUALITY not QUANTITY. What you will have to do is experiment with frequency, and content, and measure it. Today’s e-blast tools, like Chimpmail, provide AMAZING data. Learn to use it to fine tune your campaigns. Find the most optimal frequency and blueprint, and find the point of diminishing returns. Now you know what space to operate in.

Where should you start?

“Most” marketing companies email their client list 2-3 times a month. That does not mean it is the right amount for your list, just that it is what most your competitors are doing. Maybe that is a good jump off point for you. Measure engagement (I recommend about 3 months of data), then increase or decrease frequency to see if and how it changes.

E-blasting done right

If you want to learn how to put together an e-blast campaign, how to measure its effectiveness, how to do SEO, website development, Facebook ads, or any other general business operations and support, Institution Enterprises is here to help, at a price and value that makes much more sense than a traditional marketing retainer. Our services are customized to your needs. CONTACT US today with your questions!

“We do it with you, not for you”

Institution Enterprises provides a new standard in business consulting and education, helping your start-up or seasoned business design the practices and customs for success in today’s marketplace.

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