Institution Enterprises | Business Development and Marketing

Are You Adapting Your Business for Coronavirus?

These are unprecedented times when it comes to business. As local governments continue to mandate business closures it is time to pivot and adapt your business strategy.

Institution Enterprises | Coronavirus Business Strategy

The Short Version:

Be Like Bear Grylls

These are strange times, no doubt. With “shelter-in-place” mandates rolling out across the country, many businesses are being hit hard. Is this potentially crippling to your business? Yes. Does it create unforeseen challenges? Yes. However, it does not mean it is time to throw in the towel. Be like Bear Grylls: Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. (Actually, this is a slogan used by the Marine Corps, not just Bear…oorah!)

A Digital Opportunity

If you have been neglecting the digital side of your business, well, now is the perfect time to start digging in. There are many things you can be doing right now, especially if you find yourself with more time on your hands:

Turn Coronavirus into an Opportunity

We preach this all the time. Your business should be creating original, relevant content for your audience on a regular basis. If your doors are closed for business, that means you now have NO EXCUSE not to commit to building and maintaining customer engagement online.

Start writing. Start sharing. Communicate. Use your email list. Mail your mailing list. Use your social media. Now more than ever, you need to be front and center for your people.

Imagine how your business will bounce back if you spend the next month cultivating and developing relationships.

But What Should I Share?

Everything and anything. Ditch the corporate facade and be real. Be human. Let them know how your business has been hit. Let them know what you are doing. Blog about it. Share funny memes. Create articles about your products and services. Post, publish, share. Educate.

Trust me, this is the prime opportunity to strengthen brand loyalty with your existing customers. It is the prime opportunity to expose your brand to new audiences. It is a prime opportunity to be relevant, even if your doors are closed.

Our Doors Are Open!

Want help to get started? Need help creating content or setting up your social media? The Institution is here and open for business! We can conference or video call, talk things over, and get to work remotely. Dig your heels in, pull up those bootstraps, and let’s get our services out there!

CONTACT US TODAY for an SEO audit of your website so you can see where you need to improve, or to brainstorm some pivot strategy.

Want help designing your SEO strategy? Reach out. Our motto is “with you, not for you”, because we believe the best way to help you is by helping you learn how to do it yourself (like training wheels, we help make sure you do it right).

“We do it with you, not for you”

Institution Enterprises is a Sacramento marketing firm that provides a new standard in business consulting and education, helping your start-up or seasoned business design the practices and customs for success in today’s marketplace.

Institution Enterprises | Corona Virus Business Strategy

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